N. John Habraken (john@habraken.org)

A Selection of writings on 'Open Building'


Macchi, Giorgio, and Kendall, Stephen, editors: Systems Separation, Open Building at the Inselspital Bern, INO Project A Symposium focused on the INO Hospital Project New Center for Intensive Care, Emergency and Surgery, July 11-12, 2006. Including twelve essays by participants. Bilingual edition German / English. , 2009 Office of Properties and Buildings, Canton Bern.

Kendall, Stephen, and Jonathan Teicher: Residential Open Building, 301 p., Ill., E & FN Spon, London and New York, 2000, ISBN 0-419-23830-1,

Kendall, Stephen. Homeworks® A new American Townhouse. Trafford publishing Canada, USA, Ireland, UK, 2006.

Kendall, Stephen: Open Building: An Approach to Sustainable Architecture, .Journal of Urban Technology, December 1999

Tiuri, Ulpu, Markku Hedman: Developments Towards Open Building in Finland, 65p. Ill, Helsinki University of Technology Department of Architecture, 1998.

Fassbinder, H. J. van Eldonk: "Flexibilität im Niederländischen Wohnungsbau". in: Architecture Plus, 100/101, p. 65-73, 1998 ISBN 951-22-4127-7

Ulpu Tiuri, Open Building - Housing for Real People, in: Arkkitehti, 3-1998, p22-60,Finland.

Proveniers, Ir. Adri, Prof. dr. Helga Fassbinder: New Wave in Building, a flexible way of design, construction and real estate management. Van Gorcum, Assen / Maastricht, Eindhoven University of technology, 72p., Ill., ISBN 90-232-2582-1

Kendall, Stephen: “Europe's "Matura Infill System" Quickly Routes Utilities for Custom Remodeling, in: Automated Builder, May 1996

Kendall, Stephen: A New Multifamily Housing Paradigm, in Urban land, November 1996

Kendall, Stephen: Prospects for Open Building in the US Housing Industry, Proceedings, First International Conference on Open Building and Structure Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, PRC, 1995

Frans van der Werf: Open Ontwerpen, 179p. Ill. Uitgevery 010, Rotterdam 1993. ISBN 90-6450-172-6

Kendall, Stephen: Open Building for Housing, in: Progressive Architecture, November 1993

Fassbinder, Helga, Jos van Eldonk: Flexible Fixation, the paradox of Dutch housing architecture. 1990, 81p. Ill.,Van Gorcum, Assen/Maastricht, Eindhoven University of Technology, ISBN 90-232-2581-3

Kendall,Stephen: Shell / Infill A Technical Study of A New Strategy for 2x4 House Building, Open House International, vol 15, no.1, 1990

Kendall, Stephen: Who's in Charge of Housing Innovation? Vernacular construction technologies distribute control widely. in: Architecture, October 1986


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