N. John Habraken (john@habraken.org)

List of titles on the Role of the Architect


“Memories of a Lost Future”, in: Back from Utopia, the Challenge of the Modern Movement. Huber-Jan Henket & Hilde Heynen, editors. 010 Publishers Rotterdam 2002. p.218-225.

“Questions that will not go away”: Some remarks on long-term trends in Architecture and their impact on Architectural Education. in: Open House International, vol 31. no.2. 2006. reprint of the 2003 publication.

“Shared Forms and the role of designers”. in: Open House International, Vol.24 no.4, 1999

“Notes on a Network Profession”. in: PLACES, vol 12, No.3, 1999

"The Control of Complexity." Places, Vol. 4, No. 2. 1987.

"Forms of Understanding". Chapter in: The Education of the Architect, Post Renaissance, Post-Modern. Martha Pollak, Editor. MIT Press in 1997.

"Cultivating the Field: About an attitude when making architecture."Places, Volume 9, Number 1, 1994.

"Cultivating the Field: About an attitude when making architecture." Israel: Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion Institute of Technology. May 1993.

"Towards a New Professional Role." Design Studies, Vol. 7, No. 3. 1986.

Who is Participating?"Design Coalition Team." Behesti, Ed. International Design Participation Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1, 1985. Also published in: "Occasional Paper" UK: University of Strathclyde, Dept. of Arch. and Building Science, 1985.

"To Share an Architecture." Die Aesthetic der Stadterneuerung . Fassbinder and Fuhr, Eds. Published as Materialien No. 2. Berlin: Hochschule der Kunste, 1985.

"The Built Environment and the Limits of Professional Practice." Chapter in R. Plunz, Ed., Housing Form and Public Policy in the US. New York: Praeger Press, 1980.

"Interventions: Professional and User Inputs." Open House, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1980.

"The Limits of Professionalism." Architectural Association Quarterly, Vol. 8, No.1.


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