Housing for the Millions, John Habraken and the SAR (1960-2000)
NAI Publishers, Rotterdam, 2000, ISBN 90 56621785
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Chapter 1, Koos Bosma: The Mass-Produced Dwelling: Unique in the Crowd?
Chapter 2, Dorine van Hoogstraten: Between Structure and Form. Habraken and the Alternative to Mass-housing.
Chapter 3, Martijn Vos: The Foundation for Architect's Research (SAR) in Good Times and Bad.
Chapter 4, Dorine van Hoogstraten and Martijn Vos: The SAR methodology as Applied to Housing Construction, Product Development, and Education.
Chapter 5, Dorine van Hoogstraten: Habraken and the SAR under Fire.
Chapter 6, Koos Bosma: The SAR and the Home of the Future.
Notes; Appendix I, Archives consulted; Appendix II, Interviews.
; to bibliography overview.....to SAR list.....to readings about NJH