N. John Habraken (john@habraken.org)

List of writings on SAR and major reports by SAR


"Deciding on Density: An investigation into high density, low rise, allotment for the Waldeck Area, The Hague". Eindhoven, SAR, 1977. With Joop Kapteyns and John Carp.

"SAR 73, The Methodical Formulation of Agreements in the Design of Urban Tissues". First publication on basic principles of SAR method on urban tisue design. Eindhoven, SAR, 1973. With Henk Reyenga and Frans van der Werf.

"SAR 65, Proposals by the Foundation for Architect's Research". First publication of the basic principles of SAR method for support design. SAR, Eindhoven,1965. Principal Investigator, With Hans van Olphen.

"Fragments, quotations from a lecture at Portoroz, Yougoslavia, 1975". In: "Dossier SAR". Techniques etArchitecture, No. 303, March, 1976.

"Experiences and Practical Application of SAR Methods in Design and Production of Houses". Paper presented at the Europrefab Conference, Paris. 1975.

"SAR Design Method for Housing: Seven Years of Development in the Real World". DMG-DRS Journal for Design Research Methods, Vol. 7, No. 3, July/Sept. 1973.

"De SAR Methodiek". Woningraad, No. 4. 1973.

"SAR Methodiek; reorganisatie bouwproces". Series of three articles in Industrieel Bouwen, Nos. 5, 6, and 7, 1971.

"Stichting Architecten Research: Industrialisierter Wonungsbau". Bauwelt, Heft 10, 1968.


Bosma,Koos, Dorine van Hoogstraten, Martijn Vos: Housing for the Millions, John Habraken and the SAR (1960-2000), NAI Publishers, Rotterdam, 2001, ISBN 90 5662178 5, 375p.

Lukez, Paul: "New Concepts in Housing: Supports in the Netherlands". 76 p., Department of Architecture, MIT, 1986

"Huurders Zelfwerkzaamheid", SAR report, 1985, ISBN 90 70284 02 2, Inquiry on management strategies and user activities. 135p.

"Grenzen Darager Inbouw", SAR report 1981. A study on the separation of infill from support, considering desired goals and technical possibilities.

Mamoli, Marcello et. al, “N.J.Habraken e il Gruppo SAR: matgeriali di ricerca sulla progrettazione della residenza”. Venice, 1973.

"12 Woonweefsels", SAR report 1976. An analysis of twelve urban tissues.




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